Early in 2023, the Hall Committee drew up a list of minor works that could be undertaken to improve the hall environment, and launched a DIY SOS appeal in the community. We have been successful in obtaining funding / funding in kind locally to allow many of these works to take place in the coming year.
We have replaced the flooring in both the kitchen and the meeting rooms. Before the new floor was laid, a group of volunteers refreshed the meeting rooms with a much needed coat of paint! We have also replaced the old tables and chairs, which were becoming increasingly difficult and dangerous to move.
So far, we have been able to provide useful shelving in the store room,to free up valuable floor space -mamy thanks to Glen Urquhart Men;'s Shed for their help and time installing these an danothe rof other jobs including new doors into the main building.
Our thanks to Soirbheas and Highland Council for assistance with funding for these works.
If you've recently been to the Hall we hope you've enjoyed these improvements.
GURCA continues to seek practical solutions for the problems encountered with our much loved but ageing Public Hall. The long term aspiration remains to completely redevelop, modernise and reconfigure the hall, but we were again unsuccessful in securing the levels of funding required to facilitate this. In the short term these and other works are making a difference.